Ainda que todos os anjos decidissem comungar entre nós
E toda aflição fosse extirpada
Ainda que todas as preces se materializassem
Ainda assim, restaria a angustia de sermos livres
Ainda que todos os sonhos bons amanhecessem realidade
E todos os desejos fossem atendidos
Ainda que toda sede fosse saciada
Ainda assim, haveria diante de nós uma vastidão de
Ainda que a morte nos ignorasse
E todos os mistérios invisíveis fossem desvendados
Ainda que o véu que nos cega fosse banido
Ainda assim, dependeria de nós a anistia da alma
A emancipação do ser não é uma condição subjugada
Mas exige coragem
Um comentário:
You have to know very well it stands today is a corrupt military action outside the Turkish democracy because it is the only reason why the power
AKP government within this 15-year period was embraced by the community and this is a power beaming feytullah war in our country today Turkey preventing the liquidation of the organization within the military power of the AKP d
AKP's democracy from the beginning of this war based on religious basis away
I warned the state government, which is eager to manage it for years and prevented my facebook page before ruling AKP tank and I wrote this religion
My warning was blocked by the congregation for power and now we avoid it, we lie on the ruling AKP war he is doing this ad
only soldiers who loves the country has prevented them I would like you to know
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